by PatriciaCori (Author)
Most spiritual traditions have predicted that humanity is due for an evolutionary leap, and many feel that the established order in society will resist this change. Above all, the book is a rallying cry for us to recognise what it is to be truly galactic human beings - how to begin to play our part in the far-reaching cosmic plan.
Themes covered include: - Enslavement of humanity by religious doctrines - How those who hold the power limit our freedom - What is true healing of mind, body and spirit - Quantum physics as the key to higher dimensions - The nature of the higher dimensions, our promised future - The mysteries of the Giza plateau and of artefacts on Mars - Sacred geometry as the building blocks of the Universe - How we shall operate with light bodies - The true nature of time.
This book is 'a wake-up call for humanity', channelled teachings from extra-dimensional beings who offer us their knowledge of the events affecting our destiny, and their guidance in helping us meet the challenges which lie ahead. It attempts to rouse us from our obsession with the material and open us to our true potential as conscious participants in the multidimensional universe.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 200
Publisher: Gill Books
Published: Oct 2000
ISBN 10: 0717130568
ISBN 13: 9780717130566