Michael and Sheila Cole's acclaimed chronologically organized text tells the story of development as a fusion of biological, social, and psychological processes interacting in the medium of culture. The Coles' bring the excitment of scientific research and years of experience with children to a book designed to enrich students' understanding of their own lives and the process of development.
This is a new edition of the popular developmental psychology textbook, completely revised with a new lead author and 30 per cent new material. Cynthia Lightfoot has completely revised the previous edition and added 30 per cent new material. It covers: neuroscience, applications, policy issues, and adolescence. It offers new coverage, with emphasis on urban and immigrant experience. Revised content reflects changes in the understanding of the growing brain. Profiles of people with development-related jobs show developmental psychology at work in the real world.Taking a chronological approach, the book uses a broad scientific framework to present development as an interaction of biological, social, and psychological processes and human culture. The sixth edition has been completely revised, with 30 per cent new material and coverage of hot topics.
Now in its third edition, The Development of Children is uniquely attentive to both scientific ramifications and potential practical applications of research findings, as well as the real-life social consequences of changing trends in scientific thought. The result is a skilfully woven and compelling story of how children grow, with a consistent emphasis on the influence of culture on development. Throughout, the text examines the influences of diverse child-rearing strategies, underscoring that there is no single 'correct' method. The book is masterfully written, with a flow among topics that allows the reader to apprehend the points with little effort. Psychological Science Website: http://www.whfreeman.com/thedevelopmentofchildren Supplements: Study Guide/Instructor's Resource Manual/Printed Test Bank/Computerized Test Banks/Overhead Transparencies