Man's close relationship with owls stretches back to ancient times: once seen as a harbinger of doom, then re-invented as the wise old bird of folklore and children's storis, the owl today is an object of much affection, and is protected throughout the United Kingdom. This study shows how the owl has developed into a highly specialized hunting machine, a cat with wings , armed with a powerful beak and talons, acutely sensitive hearing, superb night vision and near silent flight. The owl's curious anatomy and bizarre, almost human, facial characteristics are fully explored, and its many adaptations to widely varying habitats - from a hole in a giant cactus to an underground burrow - are also considered in detail. The guide is designed to appeal to the naturalist as well as to the general reader. John Sparks is best known for his BBC television series, such as Life on Earth , and was appointed Head of the Natural History Unit in 1983. Tony Soper is also associated with the Natural History Unit as a producer, writer and presenter.