Aimed at every horse rider who strives to improve their riding, this title looks at the rider's seat and position - the root of many riding faults. The author also looks into the rider's mind, as many problems can stem from anxiety or nervousness.
Riding in perfect balance with the lightest application of aids is something most riders strive to achieve. But without the help of an instructor by your side at all times, it is easy for bad habits to develop unnoticed. With over 100 photographs showing common riding faults - such as tipping forward, weak lower leg position, heavy hands and incorrect application of the aids - this is an outstanding guide for anyone aiming for grace, balance and accuracy in their riding. Each of the 100 features includes a technique to work on and advice on what might go wrong and how to put it right. Focus is also given to the right mental approach, rounding off this complete riding problem solver. Classical riding instructor Susan McBane offers simple yet effective advice on how to identify and remedy 100 of the most common riding problems, with a straightforward and accessible approach to horses. Designed in easy-to-reference sections, 100 Ways to Improve Your Riding is the ultimate equestrian problem solver, helping you to get the most out of your ability and your horse. 'The instruction given in the book is ...based on sound classical principles ...a good buy for just about any rider and riding teacher.
' The Classical Riding Club
Riding in perfect balance with the lightest application of aids is something most riders strive to achieve. But without the help of an instructor by your side at all times, it is easy for bad habits to develop unnoticed. With over 100 photographs showing common riding faults - such as tipping forward, weak lower leg position, heavy hands and incorrect application of the aids - this is an outstanding guide for anyone aiming for grace, balance and accuracy in their riding. Each of the 100 features includes a technique to work on and advice on what might go wrong and how to put it right. Focus is also given to the right mental approach, rounding off this complete riding problem solver. Classical riding instructor Susan McBane offers simple yet effective advice on how to identify and remedy 100 of the most common riding problems, with a straightforward and accessible approach to horses. Designed in easy-to-reference sections, 100 Ways to Improve Your Riding is the ultimate equestrian problem solver, helping you to get the most out of your ability and your horse. 'The instruction given in the book is ...based on sound classical principles ...a good buy for just about any rider and riding teacher.
' The Classical Riding Club