by Bob Roberts (Author)
The coarse-fishing technique of legering came of age in the 1960s with the popularization of the swing-tip, followed by widespread use of the quiver-tip, swim-feeder fishing, wands and all the paraphernalia which the modern angler can find. The range of specialized legering tackle now available can be quite daunting, and this book aims to cut through the confusion. The author first deals with the basics of legering and then examines river-fishing in detail, and how to get the best results, be it from static, critically-balanced or moving swim-feeders. After discussing how to catch fish when others are struggling on conventional methods, the book moves on to stillwaters, and finally trouble-shooting and future developments.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 192
Edition: 1st Edition 1st Printing
Publisher: David & Charles
Published: Jun 1993
ISBN 10: 0715300113
ISBN 13: 9780715300114