This is an encyclopaedic dictionary which has been fully revised to take account of the latest changes and developments in the veterinary field. It includes case histories of diseases and the treatments available for them, the welfare, feeding, housing and breeding of farm livestock, together with their diseases and the preventative measures which can be taken. The dictionary will also be useful to owners of cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits, reptiles and other pets. The many new entries range from accidental self-injection, Blue Ear disease of pigs, the European Community, identichip and ostrich farming. There are also revisions to existing entries such as the law and information on the health hazards facing veterinary surgeons, stockpersons and meat-handlers.
This entries in this dictionary define and describe bacteria, viruses, carriers and disease for a wide range of livestock and domestic pets. It includes causes, diagnosis, signs and treatment (including first aid) and, where necessary, points out the variations in the nature of the same disease when it occurs in different animals and takes account of international scientific research osservations and findings. In this 18th edition, the range of animals and topics has been widened to embrace recent legislation and subjects such as equine motor neurone disease, predetermining the sex of calves, and tarantulas as domestic pets.