This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of water supply technology for practising engineers. The approach employed is essentially practical, and provides a wide survey of all processes involved in procuring, treating and distributing waster supplies. Fully updated to include modern international practices and principles, this book: details and explains the WHO 1993 guidelines for drinking water quality, the EC standards and the US EPA drinking water standards up to 1993; describes the new advanced water treatment processes for reduction of organic micropollutants and control of disinfection by-products using ozone, carbon and oxidation techniques; sets out UK, EC and US bateriological standards, and describes problems posed by viruses, cryptospodium and giardiasis; presents current figures on water consumption and system losses for the UK, US and overseas undertakings; discusses the problems of metering domestic water supplies in the UK; updates hydrological techniques and software used in assessing yield of sources, and the engineering of pipelines, distribution systems and sourceworks construction; and describes the new organization of public water supplies in England and Wales.