by EugeneFodor (Editor)
Experienced and first-time travelers alike rely on Fodor's Gold Guides for rich, reliable coverage the world over. Smart travel tips and important contact info make planning your trip a breeze, and detailed coverage of sights, accommodations, and restaurants give you the info you need to make your experience enriching and hassle-free. If you only have room for one guide, this is the one for you. Artistic riches, romantic vistas, ancient spas, magical hill towns, Etruscan ruins -- what to see in the time you have 16 mix-and-match itineraries, Renaissance-quarter walks, wine country drives, side trips to castles, gardens, and abbeys Where to shop, from Ferragamo boutiques to street markets The Palio, hiking, horseback riding, biking, and parks Where to stay and eat, no matter what your budget Luxurious villas, classic pensioni, stylish city hotels, country farmhouses, seaside B&Bs, monastic lodgings Family-run trattorias, elegant terrace restaurants, wine bars, rustic osterie, piazza caf s and the best gelato Fresh, thorough, practical -- off and on the beaten path Costs, hours, descriptions, and tips by the thousands All reviews based on visits by savvy writer-residents 27 pages of maps and more Important contacts, smart travel tips Fodor's Choice What's Where Pleasures and Pastimes New & Noteworthy Festivals Tour to the Marches Further reading, videos to watch Complete index
Format: Paperback
Pages: 320
Edition: 4th
Publisher: Fodor's Travel Publications Inc.,U.S.
Published: 15 Apr 1999
ISBN 10: 0679036113
ISBN 13: 9780679036111