NATIONAL PARKS OF THE WEST Exhaustively researched and thorough. You'll find everything you need to know. -- Family Travel Times An indispensable guide. -- Family Fun magazineThe only guide you'll ever need to visit the best parks in the West Here are all the essentials for touring 33 of the best-loved nationalparks and monuments in the western United States and Canada. From whereto find a reasonably priced room and a hot meal to where to hike and camp, Fodor's National Parks of the West not only describes what there is to see but also givesyou practical information and detailed maps. And you can use it to planvacation after vacation, year after year.All text in this book was reviewed for accuracy by National Parkand Forest Service personnel. Sales of this book help to support theNational Parks.Great information in every chapterDriving tours with the most spectacular scenery--from rugged mountains to magnificent desertsExtensive reviews of hotels, lodges, campgrounds, and restaurants--both inside and outside the parksThe best nature trails, backcountry hikes, strolls on the beach, and picnic spots for refuelingBest-in-one-day itinerariesTips on biking, fishing, swimming, boating, rock climbing, ski touring, horseback riding, and bird-watchingDetailed information on geology, flora and fauna, weather, historic sites, and local festivals33 easy-to-follow maps;;;;;;;; The West's best-loved wildlandsArchesBadlandsBanffBig BendBryceCanyon de ChellyCanyonlandsCarlsbad CavernsCrater LakeDeath ValleyDenaliGlacierGrand CanyonGrandTetonJasperJoshua TreeKings CanyonKootenayMesa VerdeMt. RainierMt. RushmoreOlympicPoint ReyesRedwoodRocky MountainSequoiaWatertonYellowstoneYohoYosemiteZion