by etc. (Editor), Eugene Fodor (Editor)
Experienced and first-time travelers alike rely on Fodor's Gold Guides for rich, reliable coverage the world over. Completely up-to-date, Fodor's Gold Guides are essential for any kind of traveler. Insider info that's reliable and smart Local experts show you all the things to see and do -- from top sights to off-the-beaten-path adventures, from sports to shopping, from nightlife to recommended walks. Hotels and restaurants in all price categories From B&Bs to luxury hotels, from casual eateries to elegant restaurants, we list hundreds of detailed reviews that show what is distinctive about each place. Practical info that's completely up-to-date Useful maps and background information; Key contacts; How to get there and get around; When to go; What to pack; Local do's and taboos; Costs, hours, and tips by the thousands. We've compiled a helpful list of guidebooks that complement Fodor's The Pacific Northwest. To learn more about them, just enter the title in the keyword search box. Fodor's Compass American Guides: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture and character of the Pacific Northwest. Fodor's Oregon Fodor's Seattle & Vancouver 2000 Fodor's Citypack Seattle: A full-color pocket-size guidebook and a full-size color map, all in one sturdy plastic sleeve. Fodor's The Pacific Northwest's Best Bed & Breakfasts: A guide to the best B&Bs of the Pacific Northwest, plus suggestions on what to do once your there.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 480
Edition: 13
Publisher: Fodor's Travel Publications Inc.,U.S.
Published: 13 Apr 2000
ISBN 10: 0679003738
ISBN 13: 9780679003731
Teeming with maps and loaded with addresses, phone numbers, and directions. -Newsday