Martin Mayer discusses today's big money games, worldwide, that tells where, how and why so much money has disappeared, showing how a feud between the US Treasury and the German Federal Bank triggered the crash, and why the market has become dangerously unstable. He attempts to explain the forces that sent the market soaring and then pushed it down to crash including how instant communication between markets made people believe that there was one global market with one set of rules. The crash demonstrated how dangerous it was to apply New York's rules to Tokyo's trades. Why the Japanese have lost money on virtually everything they have bought abroad and why, in the world of finance, they remain the #400 gorilla who sits wherever it likes. How virtually all markets have become insider markets and why what we know as insider trading is just the tip of a potentially much more seious problem. Martin Mayer is the author of 24 books including Wall Street Money and Men , The Bankers , The Fate of the Dollar and The Money Bazaars .