Media Reviews
1. Defining the West and Its History Statements Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of the Frontier in American History (1894) and The Problem of the West (1896) Walter Prescott Webb, The Great Plains (1931) Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest (1987) and What on Earth Is the New Western History (1991) William Cronon, Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner (1987) Donald Worster, New West, True West: Interpreting the Region's History (1987) ESSAYS Walter Nugent, Where Is the American West? Report on a Survey Clyde A. Milner II, America Only More So 2. Spanish Borderlands and Native Homelands DOCUMENTS Don Luis de Velasco's Manifest, 1597 Nicolas de Aguilar's Worldly Goods, 1663 The Count of Paredes' Report on the Pueblo Indians' Revolt, 1681 Pedro Naranjo's Testimony, 1681 Bishop Tamaron Visits Santa Fe and Taos, 1760 Father Junipero Serra Asks Viceroy Antonio Bucareli for Leniency for the Indians, 1775 ESSAYS Ramon A. Gutierrez, Honor and Marriage in New Mexico Albert L. Hurtado, Sexuality in California's Franciscan Missions 3. Cultural Contacts and Contracts DOCUMENTS Buckskin Charlie on Southern Ute Creation, Recorded 1912 Chippewa Contact Narrative, Recorded 1855 Wolf Calf (Piegan) on the Appearance of Horses, Recorded 1895 Francis Chardon on the Destruction of the Arikaras and Mandans by Smallpox, 1837 George Ruxton on Life Among the Trappers, and the Trappers' View of Women, 1847-1849 ESSAYS Sylvia Van Kirk, Native Women in Canadian Fur Trade Society Dan Flores, Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy 4. Federal Support of Explorers and Emigrants DOCUMENTS Meriwether Lewis at the Great Falls of the Missouri, 1805 The Stephen Long Expedition's Report of a Frontier Barrier, 1821 George Gibbs with the Mounted Riflemen Observes Emigrants on the Overland Trails, 1849 Impressions of the Overland Journey from Vincent Geiger and Wakeman Bryarly, 1849 The Overland Trails: Three Tables of Statistics ESSAYS William H. Goetzmann, From the Northwest Passage to the Great Reconnaissance John D. Unruh, Jr., The Federal Government's Aid to Overland Emigrants 5. The Legacy of Acquisition DOCUMENTS Mexican General Mariano Arista's Advice to the Soldiers of the U.S. Army, 1846 Anastasio Parrode, Commander-in-Chief of the Department of Tamaulipas, to His Troops, 1846 Charles DeMorse Gives a Texan's View of the War with Mexico, 1846 John C. Calhoun on Incorporating Mexico, 1848 John A. Dix on Expansion and Mexican Lands, 1848 Queen Liliuokalani's Statement at Her Trial for Treason, 1895 From Haunani-Kay Trask, a Native Daughter in Colony Hawai'i, 1993 ESSAYS Thomas R. Hietala, The Myths of Manifest Destiny John Whitehead, Hawaii: The First and Last Far West? 6. Cowboys, Outlaws, and Violence DOCUMENTS The Death of Jesse James, 1882 Granville Stuart Recalls Rustlers and Vigilantes, 1883-1884 Helen Wiser Stewart Writes of Her Husband's Murder, 1884 Theodore Roosevelt Describes Cowboy-Land, 1893 An Arkansas Newspaper on the Killing of Bill Dalton, 1894 ESSAYS Robert R. Dykstra, The Cattle Towns Adjust to Violence (with a Postscript) Richard White, Outlaw Gangs and Social Bandits 7. Children, Marriage, and Families Photo Documents David Hilton Homestead, Custer County, Nebraska, 1887 Ira Watson House, Custer County, Nebraska, 1886 Stewart Family in Spokane, Washington, 1889 Alice Jasperson, Goshen, Utah, Sewing a Flag, c. 1917 Lincoln J. Smith and Margaret E. Breeden Smith with Their Children in California, date unknown A Chinese Family in California, date unknown Joseph F. Smith and His Polygamous Family in Utah, c. 1900 Chipeta and Her Family in Dragon, Utah, 1907 ESSAYS Elliott West, Children and the Frontier Paula Petrik, Not a Love Story: Bordeaux v. Bordeaux 8. Contested Reforms DOCUMENTS Sir Richard Burton Examines Mormon Polygamy, 1860 Helen Mar Whitney Defends Plural Marriage, 1884 Brigham, Brigham Young, An Anti-Mormon Folk Song, Collected in 1932 Testimony of Anti-Chinese Witnesses, 1876 Augustus Layres Endorses Chinese Immigrants, 1877 A Poetic Expression of the Chinese Perspective, c. 1885 Carrie Chapman Catt Encourages Idaho Suffragists, 1896 Newspaper Account of Idaho Suffrage Vote, 1896 ESSAYS Carol Cornwall Madsen, Utah Law and the Plural Wives, 1850-1900 Margaret K. Holden, Gender, Protest, and the Anti-Chinese Movement 9. Railroad and Mining Labor DOCUMENTS Albert D. Richardson on Building the Transcontinental Railroad, 1865 William A. Bell Describes the Engineering of the Railroad, 1867 Excerpts from the Annals of the Daughters of Charity at Virginia City, Nevada, c. 1875 Chinese Accounts of the Killings at Rock Springs, 1885 Frank A. Crampton on the Ludlow Massacre, 1914 Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's IWW Call to Women, 1915 ESSAYS W. Thomas White, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Northwest Railroad Work Force, 1893-1912 Gunther Peck, Old Radicals and New Immigrants in Bingham, Utah, 1905-1912 10. Living on the Land, Leaving the Land DOCUMENTS Northern Ute Allotment, 1903 John-Stands-in-Timber and Ella C. Deloria Recall the Early Days of Reservation Farming, 1877-1900 Martin Charlot and the Futility of Flathead-Salish Farming, 1890-1920 Jorgen and Otto Jorgensen Remember the Decision to Homestead in Montana, 1906 Elinore Stewart Advocates Homesteading for Women, 1913 The Bell Family Tries Dry Farming, 1911-1923 ESSAYS David Rich Lewis, Farming and the Northern Ute Experience Gilbert C. Fite, A Family Farm Chronicle 11. Dam Water, Damn Dust DOCUMENTS John Wesley Powell on Reclamation of the Arid Lands, 1878 William E. Smythe and the Conquest of Arid America, 1900 The Reclamation Act, 1902 Building Hoover Dam, 1929-1935 Caroline A. Henderson's Letter from the Dust Bowl, 1935 The Plow That Broke the Plains: A Synopsis, 1936 Hugh Hammond Bennett on Soil Conservation, 1939 ESSAYS Wallace Stegner, Striking the Rock Donald Worster, The Black Blizzards Roll In 12. The Other Western Homefront DOCUMENTS Roger Daniels's Quantitative Note on the Forced Migrations of Japanese Americans, 1942-1946 Yoshiko Uchida, A Desert Exile, 1942 Voices from the Unknown Internment, 1942 Flore Lekanof, Sr., on the Aleut Evacuation, 1942 Charles M. Smith on Farm Workers from Mexico, 1943 Daniel L. Schorr on Reconverting Mexican Americans, 1946 ESSAYS Terrence M. Cole, Jim Crow in Alaska Erasmo Gamboa, Bracero Laborers in the Pacific Northwest 13. New Cities, New Lives Photo Documents Second Street Cable Railway, Looking West, 1888 Jawbone Siphon Construction Site, c. 1910 Construction of the Harbor Freeway, 1956 Disneyland, 1955 Disneyland, 1967 Burning Building in Watts Uprising, 1965 A Korean American Stands Guard During the Los Angeles Riots, 1992 Dodger Stadium, 1962 ESSAYS Quintard Taylor, Blacks and Asians in a White City Carl Abbott, The Urban West and the Twenty-First Century 14. Owning the West DOCUMENTS Report of the Committee on the Conservation and Administration of the Public Domain, 1931 Utah Governor George Dern Responds to the Public Lands Debate, 1932 Two Reports from Nevada on the Sagebrush Rebellion, 1979 James Coates Asks, Is the Sagebrush Rebellion Dead? 1986 West's Rebels Take Fight to the Feds, 1995 Four Editorial Cartoons ESSAYS R. McGreggor Cawley, The Sagebrush Rebellion and Environmental Politics Bruce Babbitt, Public Use and the Future of the Federal Lands 15. Imagining the West DOCUMENTS John Wayne Receives a Congressional Gold Medal, 1979 The Duke: More Than Just a Hero, 1979 High Country News Looks at the Easterner, 1994 A Visit with Ralph Lauren, 1988 The Devil and Dennis Quaid, 1989 The West and Its Newcomers, 1993 The Last Showdown, 1995 ESSAYS Julian Crandall Hollick, The American West in the European Imagination Anne M. Butler, Selling the Popular Myth