It is eight hundred years since the legendary King Connavar defeated the army of Stone.The Rigante are now a conquered people, living under the iron rule of the Varlish, their customs despised, their culture all but destroyed. A world that once knew magic is now choked with the black smoke of furnaces creating engines of destruction, and the secrets of the ancient gods are about to be learned, with terrible consequences. One woman knows that the fate of mankind hangs in the balance; one mystic who follows the ancient paths. She is the Wyrd of Wishing Tree Wood. To save all that lives she must find a way to bring two enemies together; two young men from different cultures. One is a Varlish nobleman, cultured and skilled, the other a Rigante outlaw, as savage and tough as the land that birthed him. They have nothing in common, save a secret that neither shares. In both runs the blood of Connavar the King.
Eight hundred years have passed since King Connavar of the Rigante and his bastard son, Bane, defeated the invading army of Stone. In that time, Connavar has become a legend, and the Rigante have lost the freedom so many gave their lives to preserve. A conquered people, they live and die under the iron rule of the Varlish, their culture all but destroyed. One woman remains who follows the ancient paths once trod by the Rigante. She is the Wyrd of Wishing Tree Wood, and she alone knows the nature of the evil soon to be unleashed on a doomed and unsuspecting world. In a perilous land, facing an uncertain destiny, she pins her initial hopes on two men: Jaim Grymauch, the giant Rigante fighter, a man haunted by his failure to save the friend he loved from betrayal, and Kaelin Ring, a youth whose deadly talents will earn him the enmity of all Varlish. One will become the Ravenheart, an outlaw leader whose daring exploits will inspire the Rigante. The other will forge a legend and light the fires of rebellion. The Wyrd knows that ultimately all hopes will rest on a third man.
Of the bloodline of Connavar the King, he will need to overcome generations of fear and hatred if he is to achieve his destiny. For he is a Varlish nobleman, and - worse - the son of the Rigante's greatest enemy...
Eight hundred years have passed since the defeat of the army of stone by Bane the Bastard, and his father, King Connavar of the Rigante. Now, two men emerge from the mists of uncertainty to answer a witch's cry for help and again inspire Rigante as they fight for survival agains an age old evil.
Eight hundred years have passed since King Connavar of the Rigante and his bastard son, Bane, defeated the invading army of Stone. In that time, Connavar has become a legend, and the Rigante have lost the freedom so many gave their lives to preserve. A conquered people, they live and die under the iron rule of the Varlish, their culture all but destroyed. One woman remains who follows the ancient paths once trod by the Rigante. She is the Wyrd of Wishing Tree Wood, and she alone knows the nature of the evil soon to be unleashed on a doomed and unsuspecting world. In a perilous land, facing an uncertain destiny, she pins her initial hopes on two men: Jaim Grymauch, the giant Rigante fighter, a man haunted by his failure to save the friend he loved from betrayal, and Kaelin Ring, a youth whose deadly talents will earn him the enmity of all Varlish. One will become the Ravenheart, an outlaw leader whose daring exploits will inspire the Rigante. The other will forge a legend and light the fires of rebellion. The Wyrd knows that ultimately all hopes will rest on a third man.
Of the bloodline of Connavar the King, he will need to overcome generations of fear and hatred if he is to achieve his destiny. For he is a Varlish nobleman, and - worse - the son of the Rigante's greatest enemy...