A textbook covering the design of transistors, amplifiers, receivers, oscillators, generators and digital circuits. Since the previous edition was published in 1981 the use of integrated circuits has become even more widespread and miniaturisation has reached the point where half a million components can be accommodated on a single silicon chip. In radio and television receivers and video recorders, for example, most of the functions are carried out by integrated circuits. Nevertheless there is still a role for discrete transistors, particularly where appreciable power output for high-voltage operation is required. There are, for example, 30 in a 1989 model colour television receiver and considerably more in a video recorder. Discrete transistors are also likely to be used in experimental work and in the early stages of design of electronic equipment. So there is still a need for information on the use of transistors in electronic circuits and this book is intended to provide it.
Over the last 40 years, Principles of Transistor Circuits has provided students and practitioners with a text they can rely on to keep them at the forefront of transistor circuit design. Although integrated circuits have widespread application, the role of discrete transistors both as important building blocks which students must understand, and as practical solutions to design problems, remains undiminished. The ninth edition has been thoroughly updated to cover the latest technology and applications, including computer circuit simulation, and many diagrams have been revised to bring them in line with current usage. Updated topics include thyristors, Darlington transistors, amplifiers, ring modulators, power supplies, optoelectronics and logic circuits.