This is the fourth edition of one of the leading property law textbooks in the UK. The book has been thoroughly updated to take into account the major reforms introduced by the Land Registration Act 2002 and the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002. The book is up to date with all the relevant new case law, including Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge (No 2) on undue influence in mortgages, Jennings v Rice on estoppel remedies and Mortgage Corpn v Shaire on trusts of land, as well as legislative changes. It includes consideration of the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on property law.
This new edition of Property Law builds upon the highly successful earlier editions, providing a modern and comprehensive text. Full consideration is given to the important proposals of the Law Commission relating to the reform of registration of title. It also encompasses the most recent statutes, including the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, and case law. Amongst the most important new cases covered are Central London Commercial Estates Ltd v Kato Kagaku Ltd (adverse possession); Bruton v London and Quadrant Housing Trust (leases) and Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Etridge (no 2) (mortgages). Property Law provides full coverage of basic property principles, permitting land law principles to be situated within this broader context. Particular attention is given to the role of possession, for both land and chattels. Trusts and equity are explained so far as these are relevant to property issues. The approach adopted thus ensures that the book is suitable for courses which deal with property law in this way, as well as for more traditional land law courses. Land law topics are widely covered, but with an emphasis on issues central to most courses on this subject.
The book goes well beyond a description of the rules, however, seeking rather to get to the heart of the analyses used by the courts and to provide an understanding of their effect within a mature and complex area of law. There is a full discussion of key cases and the ways in which they articulate the fundamental principles of property law, enabling students to obtain a firm grasp of the subject and to apply these principles to particular problems and examples. Property Law can be used by itself or together with the author's Property Law: Cases and Materials.
Longman Law Series Editorial Advisory Board Professor I.H. Dennis (University College, London) Professor R.W. Rideout (University College, London) Professor J.A. Usher (University Of Edinburgh) This is the fifth edition of one of the leading property law textbooks in the UK. It has been thoroughly updated to take into account the many developments since the previous edition. The book is up to date with all the relevant new case law (including Oxley v Hiscock on determining shares in the family home, Price v Leeds CC on human rights and Crest Nicholson Residential (South) Ltd v McAllister on restrictive covenants) and legislative changes. It includes consideration of the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on property law. *Includes concepts of property relevant to the study of land law - a unique feature of this text, useful for courses which have a property lead-in to land law - and provides a conceptual underpinning to the study of land law. *Generally updated with new case law and legislation. *Mainstream scholarly treatment of appropriate length and depth for modern courses in land law and property law.Land law topics are widely covered, but with an emphasis on issues central to most courses on this subject. The book goes well beyond a description of the rules, however, seeking rather to get to the heart of the analyses used by the courts and to provide an understanding of their effect within a mature and complex area of law. There is a full discussion of key cases and the ways in which they articulate the fundamental principles of property law, enabling students to obtain a firm grasp of the subject and to apply these principles to particular problems and examples. Property Law can be used by itself or together with the author's Property Law: Cases and Materials . Roger J. Smith is Fellow and Tutor of Magdalen College, Oxford. He has written widely on land law in legal periodicals and has had extensive experience in teaching the subject. By the same author Property Law: Cases and Materials , 2nd edition ISBN 0 582 47338 1