by PaulSturman (Author)
Following on from Harmony, Melody and Composition. this books aims to introduce harmony as a creative subject, not merely a theoretical one. Each chapter deals first with harmony, then with melody, following by creative work sections. A knowledge of melody will show that harmony is more than a series of chords strung together. A combined study of harmony and melody provides meaning to music as a whole for listening, performing and composing. Students will work with the ingredients of music in a creative way. Composition and its importance as an aid to understanding music from within is endorsed. The music is chosen from a wide range of real music, from plainsong to popular music of the present day and students will find this book's approach enjoyable, creative and musical in the best sense of the word.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 237
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Published: 1986
ISBN 10: 0582354412
ISBN 13: 9780582354418