General Editor: Sue Palmer Fiction Editor and Language Consultant: Wendy Body The Longman Book Project for ages 4-11: * Inspires children with an unparalleled variety of fiction by significant children's authors and illustrators such as Anne Fine, Beverley Naidoo, Michael Rosen, Jacqueline Wilson and Geraldine McCaughrean. * Offers at-a-glance NLS teaching support in a literacy grid at the back of every book highlighting text, sentence and word level work for easy access by teachers, teaching assistants and parents. * Specific materials for progress monitoring and assessment for teachers and children in the Teacher's Books including reading and writing assessment task copymasters, test passages and reading records. * Provides gradual, age-appropriate progression and supportive clusters of shared, guided and independent reading books based around common themes for Key Stage 1/P1-3. * Presents a wide range of different titles to stimulate all readers at Key Stage 2/P4-7. * Covers a huge range of NLS fiction genres including plays and poetry to promote speaking and listening. * Promotes valuable awareness of community and citizenship through many titles based around issues of community, environment and health.