Applied Economics
by Fuller (Author), Mr Geoff Black (Author), Bob Kelley (Editor), Fuller (Author), Bob Kelley (Editor), Mr Alan Griffiths (Editor), Nigel Healey (Author), Keith Pye (Author), Mr Geoff Black (Author)
Revised and updated every two years 'Griffiths and Wall' provides students with a unique blend of theory and application, relating economic theory to events in the real world. It gives students clear understanding of the major issues facing the British Economy, and emphasises the growing importance of the European Union in all aspects of economic life. The seventh edition retains the clear writing style and up-to-date analysis which has made it so popular with students and lecturers alike.
'Griffiths and Wall' has established itself as the best selling textbook for students of applied economics. Updated every two years it combines the familiar and easily accessible writing style of its two authors with up to date coverage of the very latest economic data and policy decisions. It provides a unique blend of thoery and application relating economic theory to the economics of the real world.
Recent changes in UK economic structure are covered in this study of the application of basic economic analysis to the central economic problems of the time. Guidance about methods of applying economic theory is given and it aims to combine information with analysis in over 27 separate topic areas, examining the major economic issues arising within each topic area. Although focusing on the UK, reference is made throughout to the experience of the other advanced industrialized countries, so helping the reader place any observations on the UK in a broader international context. Applied Economics is designed for undergraduate students in the first and second years of degree courses in economics, the social sciences and business studies and for those taking professional courses with an economic content. The material may also be useful to many involved in Higher and National Diplomas and Certificates of the BTEC and to serious A level students.
Revised and updated every two years 'Griffiths and Wall' provides students with a unique blend of theory and application, relating economic theory to events in the real world. It gives students clear understanding of the major issues facing the British Economy, and emphasises the growing importance of the European Union in all aspects of economic life. The seventh edition retains the clear writing style and up-to-date analysis which has made it so popular with students and lecturers alike.