Ainsley shows us how to serve up speedy meals without compromising on quality or taste great food, fast, for busy people. With 100 simple and delicious recipes, each with a cooking time of no more than one hour, Meals in Minutes has something for every occasion, from after-work suppers to easy dinner parties. The ingredients are all easily found in supermarkets and Ainsleys quick and accessible techniques are perfect for cooks in a hurry. Lightning-fast, mouth-watering dishes include Clares Chilli Bean Ranch Pasties, Teasing Turkey Pitta Pockets and Simply Smokin Paella as well as a crafty, high-speed version of the much-loved Sunday roast. And there are irresistible desserts for those with a sweet tooth such as Terrific Toffee-Choc Cake Pudding, Crackingly Fruity Mount Vesuvius and Titillating Tarty Rhuby Souflette. So even though we work hard, play hard and definitely have less time for cooking, if we follow Ainsley's example we can create scrumptious meals on the spur of the moment and make take-aways a thing of the past.