by Clive Anderson (Author), Mark Tully (Author), Clive Anderson (Author), Michael Palin (Author), Mark Tully (Author), Michael Palin (Author), Rian Malan (Author), Natalia Makarova (Author), Tom Owen Edmunds (Illustrator), Lisa St Aubin De Teran (Author), Michael Palin (Author)
Tying in with a BBC2 series, this book comprises accounts of six international train adventures undertaken by well-known personalities. Chat-show host Clive Anderson travels from Hong Kong to Mongolia; ballerina Natalia Makarova from St Petersburg to Tashkent; anti-apartheid author Rian Malan from Cape Town to Bophutatswana; actor and former Monty Python man Michael Palin from Derry to Kerry; novelist Lisa St Aubin de Teran from Santos to Santa Cruz; and BBC reporter Mark Tully from Karachi to the Khyber Pass. By using rail as his or her means of transport, each author was able to meet the people of a continent and witness changing cultures on the journey.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 240
Edition: 1st
Publisher: BBC Books
Published: 06 Jan 1994
ISBN 10: 0563369442
ISBN 13: 9780563369448