Intended for graduate-level courses in statistics for psychology majors, this best-seller has earned high marks among students and instructors for its clear, conceptual approach and strong emphasis on experimental psychology. The author presents statistics at an intuitive level to give students a sense of how tests work and how they interrelate. Stressing the value of data analysis before jumping in with a hypothesis test, Howell examines the connection between statistical tests and the theoretical questions posed by such experiments to develop students' conceptual skills.
Statistical Methods for Psychology surveys the statistical techniques commonly used in the behavioral and social sciences, especially psychology and education. To help students gain a better understanding of the specific statistical hypothesis tests that are covered throughout the text, author David Howell emphasize conceptual understanding. Along with a significantly updated discussion of effect sizes and examples on how to write up the results of data analysis, this Sixth Edition continues to focus students on two key themes that are the cornerstones of this book's success: the importance of looking at the data before beginning a hypothesis test, and the importance of knowing the relationship between the statistical test in use and the theoretical questions being asked by the experiment.
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PSYCHOLOGY surveys the statistical techniques commonly used in the behavioral and social sciences, especially psychology and education. This book has two underlying themes that are more or less independent of the statistical hypothesis tests that are the main content of the book. The first theme is the importance of looking at the data before formulating a hypothesis. With this in mind, the author discusses, in detail, plotting data, looking for outliers, and checking assumptions (Graphical displays are used extensively). The second theme is the importance of the relationship between the statistical test to be employed and the theoretical questions being posed by the experiment. To emphasize this relationship, the author uses real examples to help the student understand the purpose behind the experiment and the predictions made by the theory. Although this book is designed for students at the intermediate level or above, it does not assume that students have had either a previous course in statistics or a course in math beyond high-school algebra.
Statistical Methods for Psychology surveys the statistical techniques commonly used in the behavioral and social sciences, especially psychology and education. To help students gain a better understanding of the specific statistical hypothesis tests that are covered throughout the text, author David Howell emphasize conceptual understanding. Along with a significantly updated discussion of effect sizes and examples on how to write up the results of data analysis, this Sixth Edition continues to focus students on two key themes that are the cornerstones of this book's success: the importance of looking at the data before beginning a hypothesis test, and the importance of knowing the relationship between the statistical test in use and the theoretical questions being asked by the experiment.