On a clear, starry night, the jewelled beauty and unimaginable immensity of our universe is awe-inspiring. Star-gazing with binoculars is rewarding and may begin a lifelong hobby! Patrick Moore has painstakingly researched Exploring the Night Sky with Binoculars to describe how to use binoculars for astronomical observation. He explains basic astronomy and the selection of binoculars, then discusses the stars, clusters, nebulae and galaxies that await the observer. The sky seen from both the northern and southern hemispheres is charted season by season, with detailed maps of all the constellations. The reader can also observe the Sun, Moon, planets, comets and meteors. With many beautiful illustrations, this handbook will be helpful and encouraging to casual observers and those cultivating a more serious interest. The enjoyment of amateur astronomy is now available to everybody.
This book describes bow the owner of binoculars can use them for astronomical observation. A full description of the 'binocular sky' is given, with details of all the most interesting objects. On a clear dark night, with a myriad stars shining down, the jewelled beauty and the unimaginable immensity of our universe is awe-inspiring. Some people make the investment that is required to buy a telescope, but for many others, stargazing through binoculars can be just as rewarding and may lead to a deep interest and lifelong hobby! Patrick Moore has painstakingly researched this book to cater for such people. He carefully explains the rudiments of astronomy and the selection of suitable binoculars before discussing in more detail the array of beautiful astronomical objects that await the binocular observer - stars, clusters, nebulae and galaxies. The night sky that is seen by observers in both northern and southern hemispheres is charted season by season before a detailed presentation is made, with maps, of all the constellations. The use of binoculars for observing the sun, the Moon, the planets, comets and shooting stars is then described. The illustrations throughout have been prepared by the artist Paul Doherty working in close collaboration with the author.
This book describes bow the owner of binoculars can use them for astronomical observation. A full description of the 'binocular sky' is given, with details of all the most interesting objects. On a clear dark night, with a myriad stars shining down, the jewelled beauty and the unimaginable immensity of our universe is awe-inspiring. Some people make the investment that is required to buy a telescope, but for many others, stargazing through binoculars can be just as rewarding and may lead to a deep interest and lifelong hobby! Patrick Moore has painstakingly researched this book to cater for such people. He carefully explains the rudiments of astronomy and the selection of suitable binoculars before discussing in more detail the array of beautiful astronomical objects that await the binocular observer - stars, clusters, nebulae and galaxies. The night sky that is seen by observers in both northern and southern hemispheres is charted season by season before a detailed presentation is made, with maps, of all the constellations. The use of binoculars for observing the sun, the Moon, the planets, comets and shooting stars is then described.
The illustrations throughout have been prepared by the artist Paul Doherty working in close collaboration with the author.