This new, updated reprint is the latest version of a work that is unique among reference books. The Cambridge Factfinder has received widespread acclaim for its presentation of information in tabular and other readily accessible formats on an unprecedented scale. Here is a vast archive of facts and figures, dates and names, statistics and other details from all areas of human culture and the physical world. This is the place to find quickly and reliably an answer to the sort of question that cannot be addressed to a conventional encyclopedia. Here a fact can not only be checked but also viewed in the context of other facts, providing a comparative perspective. There are lists of symbols and abbreviations, measurements, places, world events, mythological figures, sporting achievements, and an array of other information presented in the most user-friendly form.
This new, updated reprint is the latest version of a work that is unique among reference books. The Cambridge Factfinder has received widespread acclaim for its presentation of information in tabular and other readily accessible formats on an unprecedented scale. Here is a vast archive of facts and figures, dates and names, statistics and other details from all areas of human culture and the physical world. This is the place to find quickly and reliably an answer to the sort of question that cannot be addressed to a conventional encyclopedia. Here a fact can not only be checked but also viewed in the context of other facts, providing a comparative perspective. There are lists of symbols and abbreviations, measurements, places, world events, mythological figures, sporting achievements, and an array of other information presented in the most user-friendly form.