This softly romantic and illustrated book is filled with precious needlecraft reminiscent of yesteryear. Step-by-step instructions and full colour illustrations simplify the techniques of embroidery, candlewicking, English, Italian and trapunto quilting and smocking. Also included are instructions on how to prepare and care for new cotton lace, old/antique lace and broderie anglaise. A chapter is devoted to the making of potpourri with advice on how and when to pick and dry flowers and herbs, and which spices, fixatives and oils are required. These introductory chapters are followed by a section in which these techniques are combined to create lacy Victorian cushions; a smocked and beribboned Christening robe, petticoat, bonnet and bib; a candlewick quilt; smocked toddler's dress as well as porcelain doll's clothing, cot quilt, pillowcases and sheets; Christmas decorations; bed- and bath- linen; antimacassars for a boudoir chair; festoon blinds; and baby linen. Also included are step-by-step instructions on how to make potpourri sachets, bath bags and sleep pillows; flower garlands and posies; pomanders and dried flower-rimmed hats.