Edward Sarafino's best-selling health psychology text draws from the current research and theories of many disciplines to describe how psychology and health are interconnected using the biopsychosocial model to synthesize all the information together into a straightforward text. While maintaining the widely praised organization and pedagogy of earlier editions, the author updated each chapter. Some of the many topics which have been expanded include the following: the coverage of age, gender, and sociocultural differences in health and health promotion, AIDS prevention, psychoneuroimmunology, and methods of coping. Contemporary and comprehensive information, a variety of interesting readings and activities, and the author's effective narrative continue to engage students in the ever-changing area of health psychology. Here are some reviewers' thoughts about Health Psychology 3rd edition: Dr. Sarafino tells a great story. He makes very complex experimental designs understandable and describes complicated physiological processes in a clear and engaging manner. Josephine F. Wilson - Wittenberg Univ.
The author writes in an engaging style and the student is likely to feel that the author speaks directly to the reader. The material is presented in a scholarly manner without overwhelming the reader. Leonard A. Doerfler - Assumption College Sarafino's textbook is the best textbook out there, when compared with the other bestsellers in the field. Sarafino's coverage is more comprehensive than the others, and his narrative is better. Josephine F. Wilson - Wittenberg Univ.