by Alexander Green (Author), Alexander Green (Author), Steve Sjuggerud (Foreword)
A timeless investment guide that reveals how to consistently earn market-beating returns while reducing risk
What every investor needs is a battle-tested strategy that embraces the uncertainty of financial markets-and life in general. One that will yield market-beating portfolio returns in both good times and bad. The Gone Fishin' Portfolio shows you what that strategy is, how it works, and why you should begin using it immediately.
The innovative approach outlined throughout these pages will help investors enjoy a notably high probability of success by using an investment strategy based on the notion that nobody knows what the market is likely to do next, which, in effect, allows investors to capitalize on uncertainty.
The Gone Fishin' Portfolio will allow you to reach your most important investment goals, beat Wall Street at its own game, and achieve the financial independence you deserve.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Published: 12 Sep 2008
ISBN 10: 0470112670
ISBN 13: 9780470112670