The sixth Harry Bosch thriller from the acclaimed and bestselling author of THE POET and BLOOD WORK. When the cody of high profile black lawyer Elias Howard is found inside 1 of the cars on Angels Flight, a funicular in downtown LA, there's not a detective in the city who wants to touch the case. For Howard specialises in lawsuits alleging police brutality, racism and corruption and ervey LAPD ccop is a possible suspect in the killing. Detective Harry Bosch is put in charge. Howard's murder occurred on the eve of a major trial: on behalf of a black client, Michael Harris, Howard was to bring a civil case against the LAPD for violent interrogation tactics that had caused his client the partial loss of his hearing. Harris had been acquitted of the rape and murder of a 12 year old girl, but many, including Bosch, believe him guilty. Howard had let it be known that the trial would serve a dual purpose - to target and bring down the guilty cops and to expose the real murderer of the little girl. Post Rodney King, the 1992 riots and the trial of O.J.Simpson, the City of Angels is living on nerves.
To discover the truth Harry must dig deep in his own backyard - except that it's a minefield of suspicion and hate that could detonate in his face. And as if he didn't have enough on his mind, his happiness with Eleanor Wish looks to be shortlived. 5 cards on the felt are pulling her back to a place where Harry can not follow, back to herself. With Angels Flight, the matchless Michael Connelly has delivered another hugely accomplished, heartfelt and stunningly authentic thriller.