A study of general pathology, updated due to a number of developments, enabling many seemingly disparate pathological processes to be seen as integral components of the body's defence system. Pathology is related to broader aspects of biology throughout, especially ecology and natural selection. New features include the effects of low levels of radiation, new theories to explain anorexia and details of cancer-causign viruses. The text also includes extra or new material on complement, immunodeficiency, leucotriene, tissue growth factors, interleukins, the role of IL-1, tumour growth factors and HLA disease. The text is intended for students of medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, though it should prove useful to workers in all branches of science who wish to learn about the essential disease processes. It contains enough information to enable readers to reach a satisfactory standard of knowledge of general pathology in all qualifying examinations including the MB examination of English universities or its overseas equivalents or its counterparts in dentistry and veterinary science.