100 Science Lessons for Year Reception with CD-Rom
by Colin Shelbourn (Illustrator), Baz Rowell (Illustrator), Colin Shelbourn (Illustrator), Baz Rowell (Illustrator), Georgie Beasley (Author)
A comprehensive scheme for science, restructured to match QCA Science Scheme of Work. * Even better coverage of the Science curriculum, with the inclusion of new lessons. * Suggestions for science investigations are provided at the start of each chapter. * Enrichment lessons stretch your pupils and let you take science concepts a little bit further. * Links with ICT emphasised throughout - allowing you to embed ICT in your science lessons.
100 SCIENCE LESSONS is a series of seven teachers' guides designed to give Scholastic's model for the planning involved and provide clear lesson structures for all the science lessons any class might need for each year R-Y6. Using the content of all the UK curriculum documents offers comprehensive coverage and lots of choice. Units coinciding with work in the QCA's 'Science Scheme of Work' are designed to work alongside and support the recommended lessons. This book addresses the unique challenges and approaches of introducing sciences to 4 and 5 year olds. The lesson objectives are based on the Early Learning Goals, as well as working towaards the national curricula content. Each unit of work is set in one or more contexts that can be the focus of cross-curricular activities such as small world play or role-play, for example 'On the farm' or 'At the garden centre'. The units are focused as: Unit 1 Ourselves: This is me! Unit 2 Animals and plants: Looking at animals and plants Unit 3 The environment: Out and about Unit 4 Materials: Exploring materials Unit 5 Electricity: Making things work Unit 6 Forces and motion: Pushing and pulling Unit 7 Light and sound: Looking and listening Unit 8 Earth and beyond: Up in the sky * Flexible - physically as a framework for planning * Comprehensive framework - takes the pain out of planning * Follows current trends in curriculum delivery and classroom management - advice on introductory activities and interactive whole-class teaching * Addresses whole UK curriculum content, using QCA's 'Science Scheme of Work' to pitch activities and focus for each year group.
A comprehensive scheme for science, restructured to match QCA Science Scheme of Work. * Even better coverage of the Science curriculum, with the inclusion of new lessons. * Suggestions for science investigations are provided at the start of each chapter. * Enrichment lessons stretch your pupils and let you take science concepts a little bit further. * Links with ICT emphasised throughout - allowing you to embed ICT in your science lessons.