Advanced D&T for Edexcel Product Design: Graphics with Materials Technology, (Advanced D&T for Edex Product Design - Graphics with Materials Tech: 2 Ed)
by Mr Alan Goodier (Author), Mr Barry Lambert (Author), Mr Jon Attwood (Author), Mr Douglas Fielding-Smith (Author), Ms Lesley Cresswell (Editor)
* Brand new exemplar coursework illustrates the new criteria and rewritten practice exam questions ensure students know exactly what to expect in the exam. * New illustrations and diagrams make this new edition even more accessible for teachers and students. * The AS section helps students make the difficult step up from GCSE, and the A2 section reflects the greater challenges of the A2 year -- offering support at just the right level. * A team of experienced authors has ensured complete coverage of the specification. * Advice for students about planning and organising their work, with revision checklists so they can make the best use of their time.
Advanced Design and Technology for Edexecel is a series designed to support Edexcel's Advanced specifications for Design and Technology. Each book follows the structure of the specification and provides students with the knowledge and understanding they need to prepare for assessments. Advanced Design and technology for Edexcel is a setries designed to support Edexcel's Advanced specifications for Design and Technology. Each book follows the structure of the specification and provides students with the knowledge and understanding they need to prepare for assessments.
* advice on how to use the book and how to plan, organise and manage work throughout the course; * a summary of expectations for each unit explaining what students are expected to do, what they will learn and how the unit is assessed; * detailed content for each unit; * tasks to help students understand issues such as industrial practices, to give practice in some aspects of designing and manufacturing, or to help practise specific skills; * 'factfile' boxes explaning technical terms or illustrating points in the text; * 'to be successful' boxes in coursework units to show students what they must do to meet the assessment criteria; * student checklist/practice exam questions at the end of units to help students check the progress of coursework and revise and prepare for exams.
* Brand new exemplar coursework illustrates the new criteria and rewritten practice exam questions ensure students know exactly what to expect in the exam. * New illustrations and diagrams make this new edition even more accessible for teachers and students. * The AS section helps students make the difficult step up from GCSE, and the A2 section reflects the greater challenges of the A2 year -- offering support at just the right level. * A team of experienced authors has ensured complete coverage of the specification. * Advice for students about planning and organising their work, with revision checklists so they can make the best use of their time.