The Heinemann Mathematics series is a lively new resource, intended to make maths interesting and relevant for pupils. It has been designed to place maths in real-life contexts, help pupils become confident problem-solvers, help pupils use and apply maths skills, ensure continuity and progression for high and low attainers, offer detailed teacher support and match the new curricula in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Heinemann Mathematics 8 , intended for Year 8, provides revision and consolidation of Level 4 and main coverage of Level 5 material as well as introducing topics from Level 6. The full-colour Core Textbooks guide pupils through a carefully structured sequence of work in each mathematical topic. Not only is the progression carefully controlled, bur every bit of maths is given a clear purpose. There are opportunies for problem solving throughout, but in addition specific sections are devoted to the systematic treatment of problem-solving. Extended Contexts bring different areas of maths together in a complete section of work based on a single theme and give pupils practice in using and applying what they have learned.
These sections are intended to be fun for pupils and involve a wide variety of activities from imaginative writing and problem-solving to the drawing and interpretation of graphs.
For Heinemann Mathematics P7 , colour textbooks and workbooks are used by children to practise and record their understanding of concepts, skills and applications in number, measure, shape and handling data. They include a wide range of problem-solving and investigative work to develop children's ability to use and apply maths. The textbooks help promote children's recording skills using a variety of motivating contexts, and include activities to give further practice in applying maths. The format of the workbooks frees children to concentrate on the maths rather than on the presentation of their work, and each one contains a record-keeping grid to show work completed. The reinforcement sheets are for use selectively with those children who need extra practice of key maths topics, in addition to that provided in the textbooks and workbooks. Each sheet is clearly referenced to a workbook or textbook page for easier integration with the core work, and clear flagging in the textbooks and workbooks shows which topics are supported by a reinforcement sheet. All the extra work is at the same mathematical level as the core. The extension textbook provides additional work at every stage to consolidate and extend learning. Some of the work extends the range of a topic for all children, and some is specifically to stretch the more able. Some of the activities relate to topics in the textbooks and workbooks, and the remaining ones can be attempted at any time. The assessment and resources packs contain games and activities to enrich learning. These include photocopiable problem-solving activities and calculator work, and ideas for practical, theme-based work covering a range of maths topics. This is the workbook.
The Heinemann Mathematics scheme has been developed by the authors of the primary course SPMG, with the aim of building on established strengths to provide a structured development of children's mathematical knowledge and skills within the revised curricula.