Principles of Family Law is widely recognised as the leading text in its field. For the seventh edition Dr Stephen Cretney is again joined by Professor Judith Masson who brings her extensive experience of teaching and researching child law; whilst for the first time Professor Rebecca Bailey-Harris has given her expertise, especially on financial and property matters, to the book. This edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of new legislation, including the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 and the Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act 2000; whilst the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 is very much to the fore. Case law (not least the decision of the House of Lords in White v. White) is fully covered and carefully analysed, as are the findings of empirical research into the working of the care and family justice system. Principles of Family Law provides a stimulating exposition of legal principles combined with an authoritative discussion of policy and practice issues and relevant research. This edition will once again prove invaluable to practitioners, teachers and students. A Supplement, available free of charge to purchasers of this book, will give detailed coverage of the provisions of the Adoption and Children Act which affect adoption. The supplement is due for publication in Spring 2003.