Including articles and perspectives from academics, NGOs and companies themselves, this book provides an overview of CSR and its place within the contemporary social and economic landscape. It is suitable for those studying business and management, and its ethical dimensions.
In the age of global capitalism, shareholders, and profits are not the only concerns of modern business corporations. Debates surrounding economic and environmental sustainability, and increasing intense media scrutiny, mean that businesses have to show ethical responsibility to stakeholders beyond the boardroom. A commitment to corporate social responsibility may help the wider community. It could also protect an organization's brand and reputation. Including key articles and original perspectives from academics, NGOs and companies themselves, The Corporate Social Responsibility Reader is a welcome and insightful introduction to the important issues and themes of this growing field of study. This book addresses: * the changing relationships between business, state and civil society * the challenges to business practice * what businesses should be responsible for, and why * issues of engagement, transparency and honesty * the boundaries of CSR - can businesses ever be responsible? While case studies examine major international corporations like Coca Cola and Starbucks, broader articles discuss thematic trends and issues within the field.
This comprehensive but eclectic collection provides a wonderful overview of CSR and its place within the contemporary social and economic landscape. It is essential reading for anyone studying business and management, and its ethical dimensions.
In the age of global capitalism, shareholders, and profits are not the only concerns of modern business corporations. Debates surrounding economic and environmental sustainability, and increasing intense media scrutiny, mean that businesses have to show ethical responsibility to stakeholders beyond the boardroom. A commitment to corporate social responsibility may help the wider community. It could also protect an organization's brand and reputation. Including key articles and original perspectives from academics, NGOs and companies themselves, The Corporate Social Responsibility Reader is a welcome and insightful introduction to the important issues and themes of this growing field of study. This book addresses: * the changing relationships between business, state and civil society * the challenges to business practice * what businesses should be responsible for, and why * issues of engagement, transparency and honesty * the boundaries of CSR - can businesses ever be responsible? While case studies examine major international corporations like Coca Cola and Starbucks, broader articles discuss thematic trends and issues within the field.
This comprehensive but eclectic collection provides a wonderful overview of CSR and its place within the contemporary social and economic landscape. It is essential reading for anyone studying business and management, and its ethical dimensions.