Designed for students at school, college or university, this guide to project work has now been updated and revised. The author sets out in clear and concise terms the main tasks involved, and the order in which a student will encounter them: choosing a topic; using the library; taking notes; shaping and composing the project; compiling cross-references and bibliography. Starting from first principles, the author shows students how to get the most out of their library and guides them through the numerous cataloguing systems, including on-line databases, which they are likely to encounter. The guide also includes an example of a well-researched and well-written paper, with full bibliography and notes. Common errors and their avoidance are discussed in detail.
Now fully updated, this guide to research work continues to be indispensable for students at school, college or university. In The Research Project: How to Write It , Ralph Berry sets out in clear and concise terms the student's main tasks, in the order in which they will be encountered, covering: choosing a topic using the library taking notes shaping and composing the project writing cross-references and bibliography. An important new chapter on the internet takes into account the increasing changes in the way research can be carried out today. Starting from first principles, the author explains how to get the most out of a library or information centre, describing the numerous cataloguing systems that may be encountered, including on-line databases. An example of a well-researched, clearly written paper with notes and bibliography is included for reference, and common pitfalls outlined. An esssential introduction for students just starting project work and an invaluable reference for the more experienced.
Now in its fifth edition, this guide to project work continues to be an indispensable resource for all students undertaking research. Guiding the reader right through from preliminary stages to completion, The Research Project: How to write it sets out in clear and concise terms the main tasks involved in doing a research project, covering: * choosing a topic * using the library effectively * taking notes * shaping and composing the project * providing footnotes, documentation and a bibliography * avoiding common pitfalls. Fully updated throughout, this new edition features a chapter on making the most out of the Internet, from knowing where to start, to assessing the quality of the material found there. Other features include a model example of a well researched, clearly written paper with notes and bibliography and a chapter on getting published in a learned journal for more advanced researchers. Whether starting out or experienced in research, The Research Project: How to write it is an essential tool for success.