This communicative, culture-based introductory Italian text develops all five language skills by pairing cultural themes with essential grammar points and by organizing units around situations, functions, and regions of Italy. The authors' belief that language is culture is best illustrated by the text' s up-to-date, fresh image of Italy and Italians and by the successful integration of this philosophy as an active, key part of the learning experience. New Writing Strategies in every unit provide students with guided activities that help them express themselves idiomatically when writing in Italian. New Due mondi a confronto ( Two contrasting worlds ) sections include more activities to stimulate cross-cultural comparisons, inviting students to think critically about Italian culture as well as their own. Expanded listening practice presents a short Incontro conversation as well as an Incontro in the form of an e-mail, interview, and diary entry to diversify new material. In addition, a new Ascoltiamo! activity in the Incontro sections encourages active listening by asking students to answer questions while they are listening. Immagini e parole capstone section contains a cultural reading related to the theme and region of the unit; an authentic reading (realia, magazine article, or literary) in odd-numbered units; and writing strategies in all units. Reinforcing activities include pre-reading vocabulary practice, reading strategies, and post-reading comprehension and communicative practice. Expanded writing practice features the Scriviamo italiano! sections in all chapters, supported by thematic vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and a wide range of practiceactivities. Frequently used idiomatic expressions give students a window into Italian culture, making their communication contemporary, colorful, lively, and natural. Contemporary, fresh realia provides students with insight into life in Italy as it is today. Schematic, streamlined grammar enables students and teachers to focus on essential grammatical structures and avoid feeling overwhelmed by unnecessary structures. Clear chapter architecture focuses students on the theme and geography of each chapter while they are learning grammar and constructions and recycling the vocabulary from each of the remaining four parts of the unit: Unit Opener sets the theme, geographical focus, and communicative goals. Si dice cosi offers thematic presentation of vocabulary with directed and communicative activities. In altre parole features up-to-date idioms and expressions with directed and communicative activities. Punti grammaticali provides clear presentation of grammar points with directed and communicative activities. Lo sapevi che...? cultural notes supply information on concepts and places mentioned in the unit.