In the high-octane sequel to Boy Soldier, seventeen-year-old Danny and his grandfather, ex-SAS explosives expert Fergus, are on the run again, with their cover in southern Spain blown. Encouraged by the mysterious Deveraux, they return to London to confront their ruthless enemy in MI6, Fincham. But a teenage suicide bomber has brought death and destruction to the heart of Westminster. And there seem to be plenty of other willing martyrs. As the trap is sprung, Danny and Fergus have to break into Northholt, and it is up to computer whiz Elena to trawl the deep web to help them find the information they need to put a stop to the nightmare. The second book in the Boy Soldier sequence is another explosive, fast-moving and thrilling adventure, packed with authentic detail from Andy McNab s SAS expertise.
Danny Watts's grandfather, Fergus, was a traitor. One of the worst sort. An SAS explosives expert who betrayed his country and his regiment for money. Drug money. He was arrested and left to rot and die in a Columbian jail. At least, that's what seventeen year-old Danny is told when his dreams of becoming a soldier are destroyed for ever. But he knows something the army doesn't seem to know. Fergus Watts is alive and in the UK, living in secret under an assumed name - but where? Fergus is Danny's only living relative. Burning with fury and desire for revenge, Danny sets out to track down his grandfather and expose him. In doing so he sets in train an explosive sequence of events which see Danny and Fergus together on the run from the people who want Fergus, and now Danny, dead. Packed with breathtaking action, SAS procedures, surveillance and survival techniques, this is a fast-moving, action-packed thriller for teenagers. There will be several books in the Boy Soldier sequence and the TV rights have been sold to Zenith, makers of 'Inspector Morse', 'Hamish McBeth' and 'Byker Grove'.
Danny Watts's grandfather, Fergus, was a traitor. One of the worst sort. An SAS explosives expert who betrayed his country and his regiment for money. Drug money. He was arrested and left to rot and die in a Columbian jail. At least, that's what seventeen year-old Danny is told when his hopes of becoming a soldier are destroyed for ever. But he knows something the army doesn't seem to know. Fergus Watts is alive and in the UK, living in secret under an assumed name - but where? Fergus is Danny's only living relative. Burning with fury and desire for revenge, Danny sets out to track down his grandfather and expose him. In doing so he sets in train an explosive sequence of events which throw Danny and Fergus together on the run from the people who want Fergus, and now Danny, dead. Packed with breathtaking action, SAS procedures, surveillance and survival techniques, this is a fast-moving, action-packed thriller for teenagers. There will be several books in the BOY SOLDIER sequence. TV rights have been sold to Zenith, makers of Inspector Morse, Hamish McBeth and Byker Grove.
Gripping, action-packed thriller from the best-selling author of BRAVO TWO ZERO. Ideal for adventure-seeking readers. Danny Watts's grandfather, Fergus, was a traitor. One of the worst sort. An SAS explosives expert who betrayed his country and his Regiment for money. Drug money. He was arrested and left to rot and die in a Columbian jail. At least, that's what seventeen-year-old Danny is told when his hopes of becoming a soldier are destroyed for ever. But he knows something the army doesn't seem to know. Fergus Watts is alive and in the UK, living in secret under an assumed name - but where? Fergus is Danny's only living relative. Burning with fury and desire for revenge, Danny sets out to track down his grandfather and expose him. In doing so he sets in train an explosive sequence of events which throw Danny and Fergus together on the run from the people who want Fergus, and now Danny, dead. Packed with breathtaking action, SAS procedures and surveillance and survival techniques, this is a fast-moving, action-packed thriller for teenagers.