Something terrible has happened. Eleven-year-old Aubrey is on her own. 'It was fun at first, playing house. Nothing to think about but TV and cheese. A perfect world'. She's determined to hide away and take care of herself, because facing the truth is too much to bear. 'I couldn't let anyone know that I was alone. I was staying right here'. But with the love of her grandmother and the letters she writes, can Aubrey begin to see that even though she's lost everything - all is not lost?
Something terrible has happened. Eleven-year-old Aubrey is on her own. 'It was fun at first, playing house. Nothing to think about but T.V and cheese. A perfect world'. She's determined to hide away and take care of herself, because facing the truth is too much to bear. 'I couldn't let anyone know that I was alone. I was staying right here'. But with the love of her grandmother and the letters she writes, can Aubrey begin to see that even though she's lost everything - all is not lost?
Something terrible has happened. Eleven-year-old Aubrey is on her own. 'It was fun at first, playing house. Nothing to think about but TV and cheese. A perfect world'. She's determined to hide away and take care of herself, because facing the truth is too much to bear. 'I couldn't let anyone know that I was alone. I was staying right here'. But with the love of her grandmother and the letters she writes, can Aubrey begin to see that even though she's lost everything - all is not lost?