One of the architects of the longest and most successful boom period of the 20th century, this book reviews Robert Rubin's career and offers a preview of the world economy to come. In these pages we learn of his unique philosophy and how he has applied it to every aspect of his life. The book covers his 26 years at Goldman Sachs; his instrumental role in creating NAFTA; his term as Treasury Secretary, where he was one of the principal architects of President Clinton's balanced-budget agreement and prevented the financial crisis in Asia and Russia from contaminating the global economy. Rubin takes us through the whole of his life and career , from his New York City schooldays through to his current position as a Director of Citigroup, one of the largest financial instititions in the world. It provides explanations of some of the most complex economic and political events of our time, while also presenting sound lessons on decision-making,management, work ethic, foreign policy and fiscal responsibilities for CEOs, policy makers and laypeople alike.