Every man on death row claims he's innocent...Only in Thomas O'Brien's case, it's true. Having spent twenty years behind bars for the double murder of his wife and her lover, he's now escaped and is determined to earn his shot at redemption. He wants to find what's left of his family - his estranged daughter, Claire, who was the primary witness for the prosecution, decades before. But the killer who was responsible for the gruesome death of O'Brien's wife doesn't have any intentions of letting O'Brien clear his name. In fact, his blood is boiling at the thought of a loose end coming back to haunt him after all these years...and his fingers are twitching to torment again. Now, with a murderer harboring a secret vendetta close on his heels, and FBI Agent Mitch Bianchi hot on his trail, O'Brien must earn his daughter's trust, even as he races to prove his innocence, before the real killer strikes again.
Every man on death row claims he's innocent...Only in Thomas O'Brien's case, it's true. Having spent twenty years behind bars for the double murder of his wife and her lover, he's now escaped and is determined to earn his shot at redemption. He wants to find what's left of his family - his estranged daughter, Claire, who was the primary witness for the prosecution, decades before. But the killer who was responsible for the gruesome death of O'Brien's wife doesn't have any intentions of letting O'Brien clear his name. In fact, his blood is boiling at the thought of a loose end coming back to haunt him after all these years...and his fingers are twitching to torment again. Now, with a murderer harboring a secret vendetta close on his heels, and FBI Agent Mitch Bianchi hot on his trail, O'Brien must earn his daughter's trust, even as he races to prove his innocence, before the real killer strikes again.