by EricDelve (Author)
This energetic and engaging call to live life to the full offers you the chance to rethink what matters to you and why, and to do something about it. Too often we drift through life, going with the flow or being tossed by currents beyond our control, and failing to realise that if we would only fight for the life God meant us for life would be so much more fulfilling. Eric Delve, the well-known evangelist and organiser of the Detling Festival, here sets out a strong argument for intentional living, the need to engage positively with the choices that face us and the rewards it will bring if we do so. Along the way he challenges us to face up to who we really are, jettisoning pretence or fantasy, and to accept our humanity in its weakness and its high potential. Then he urges us to understand what God's purpose is for us and to let him guide us into the full life he wants for us - including standing firm through difficult times. Finally he issues a challenge to us all, to escape from the modern curse of individualism and accept the need - and wonderful opportunity - to pass on all we've learnt in life to colleagues, friends and families - because they're worth it, too.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Published: 18 Mar 2010
ISBN 10: 0340995033
ISBN 13: 9780340995037