Spiritual growth is crucial to the health of our Christian lives. It is the process we all go through (more or less successfully) in becoming like Jesus Christ. In this book Wimber attempts to provide criteria for measuring such growth. Starting with the need to submit to God's word and to turn to Christ, he outlines the way to maturity through intimacy with the Father and through being willing to yield to the Holy Spirit. The peaks and glories of a rich and fulfilling personal spirituality are, however, only one side of the coin. Practical obedience to God's call is necessary corollary. The gospel of self denial, true service to others, has never been the popular, easy way. John Wimber uses the term power points to describe those moments in our lives when we come to experience the essential truths to the Christian life, those crucial stages on the path of spiritual growth. He emphasizes that these are not formulae for maturity: intimacy with God is only possible through a dynamic, living, ever-deepening relationship with Him.