by Lesley Abbott (Author), Lesley Abbott (Author)
In order to do justice to the range of issues surrounding the care and education of the under threes and to meet the many and varied needs of the adults who work with them two books have been written under the title Early Interactions.
The books incorporate the views of a wide range of people with a wealth of experience in the early years field as both practitioners and trainers. They are intended as an accessible, informative and challenging resource for all those involved in the care and education of children under three. Multiprofessional and interdisciplinary team work is essential in working with young children and their families and as the Rumbold Report (1990) emphasises - no one person will possess all the knowledge and skills required for this important responsibility . The books provide a range of perspectives and will appeal equally to professionals, parents and anyone who cares about young children. They are particularly valuable as a resource for use in training at all levels.
The training and support needs of Early Years workers is a key issue and provides a focus for debate in the present educational climate. Working with under threes carries a particular responsibility. The contributors to this book represent a wide range of experience and involvement as practitioners and trainers which they share in interesting and accessible chapters. The book is intended for all those responsible for, or training to work with, children under three on a variety of courses. Topics covered include - New approaches to training, continuing professional development, equal opportunities, working with parents and carers, men working with under threes, special educational needs, child protection, and the inspection process. Key issues are identified for consideration by all those working with young children.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 190
Publisher: Open University Press
Published: 01 Dec 1997
ISBN 10: 0335198376
ISBN 13: 9780335198375