This is a comprehensive guide to World War II. More than 1600 detailed entries - together with 15 maps and a series of front-by-front chronologies - cover every aspect of the war, from theatres, actions and operations to weapons, tactics and strategies. International in scope, this book examines the war from the points of view of all the participants, and the coverage of the military side of the conflict is complemented by analyses of the political, economic and social issues involved - factors that have been expanded upon in this second edition. In this edition many countries previously subsumed under more general entries now have their own individual entry. Examples include Algeria, Australia, Belguim, Canada, Croatia, Palestine, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Yugoslavia. Major entries on the home fronts of all the principal combatant countries have also been added.
Other new entries include communism, national socialism, Jews, Cetniks, Partisans, Ustasa, Volkssturm, Haile Selassie, Raoul Wallenberg, Josef Beck, Josef Tiso, King Leopold III, Hugo Bleicher, Generals Choltitz and Simoviv, Archbishop Galen, Sachsenhausen, Suez Canal, euthanasia, Allied Control Commission, Second Front, and unconditional surrender.