Without resort to hindsight, this study looks at why the world's greatest powers were at war 60 years ago. It aims to recapture the concerns, anxieties and prejudices of the statesmen of the 30s and the people they led.
Without resort to hindsight, this study looks at why the world's greatest powers were at war 60 years ago. It aims to recapture the concerns, anxieties and prejudices of the statesmen of the 30s and the people they led.
Linked with a BBC series, this book sets out to ask, without resort to hindsight, why the world's greatest powers were at war 50 years ago. It looks at Hitler's assumption that his invasion of Poland would be unopposed and his plans for a war of great proportions in the 60s, and aims to recapture the concerns, anxieties and prejudices of the statesmen of the 30s and the people they led. Richard Overy has also written The Air War , Goering: The Iron Man , and The Nazi Economic Recovery: 1932-38 . Andrew Wheatcroft has also written World Atlas of Revolutions and Who's Who in Military History .
Hailed on publication as a thought-provoking, authoritative analysis of the true beginnings of the Second World War, this revised edition of The Road to War is essential reading for anyone interested in this momentous period of history. Taking each major nation in turn, the book tells the story of their road to war; recapturing the concerns, anxieties and prejudices of the statesmen of the thirties.