TEST Takeo and the exquisite Kaede, still only teenagers, are now married, but the implacable forces of destiny that rule their lives tear them apart. Takeo, a battle-hardened warrior at the head of an army fighting for his Otori birthright, finds his courage and leadership forged in the fire of bloodshed and sacrifice, while his legendary magical powers are tested to their limits against the invisible assassins of the Tribe. Kaede, determined to reclaim her own lands, is treacherously betrayed and forced into marriage. Their love will survive until death but death, in this savage, beautiful world, is always only a moment away.
Otori Takeo and the beautiful Kaede are now married. But the inescapable forces of destiny that have bound their lives from birth make their happiness an impossible dream. Takeo, still only seventeen, must raise an army to reclaim his Otori lands, and fulfil the prophecy of the blind sage: 'Peace comes at the price of bloodshed. Four battles to win and one to lose'. And he can never be free from the invisible assassins of the secret Tribe who have vowed to kill him. Brilliance of the Moon is the most gripping book in the series that has captured the imaginations of readers young and old around the world. A rich and complex cast of characters are swept up in a breathtaking story of warfare and sacrifice, violent death, treacherous plots, the unstoppable natural forces of typhoon and earthquake, and the unconquerable desire of two young lovers to be together, against all odds. Lian Hearn's ancient and magical Oriental world is compelling and unforgettable. This is stunning, timeless storytelling that will endure for many generations of readers to come.