Financial fraud, whether large or small is a persistent feature of the financial markets. If you scratch the surface of the investment world you'll find a continuous stream of major financial scandals which are almost unbelievable in the sheer scale of their subterfuge.
The Con Men shines a spotlight on some of these gargantuan frauds from the last 25 years. It questions how these men did it, why they did it, how there were able to get away with it, proposes strategies and tactics so that the reader can avoid being swindled.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
Edition: 1
Publisher: FT Publishing International Unpicks the famous financial frauds of the past, and pulls lessons that the every day investor can use to protect his or her money.
Published: 01 Aug 2013
ISBN 10: 0273751344
ISBN 13: 9780273751342
Book Overview:
Leo Gough's book 'The Con Men' is something that has needed to be written for a very long time. It gives a potted history of the major frauds that have been perpetrated on the investing public, who have lost masses of their hard earned capital, and who have no redress for the theft of their money.
Charles Vintcent, author of Investing for Recovery (FT Publishing, 2010)
Leo Gough was the editor of two investment newsletters during the 1990's, 'The Zurich Club' and 'Taipan' for Fleet Street Publications. Since 1997 he has spent much of his time in the Asia/Pacific region, working with banks, such as Citibank, and consultancy firms, such as AT Kearney. Currently Leo is working in management consultancy in the Middle East. He is the author of more than 20 books on personal finance and investment.