Business Minds: Management Wisdom, Direct from the World's Greatest Thinkers

Business Minds: Management Wisdom, Direct from the World's Greatest Thinkers

by StuartCrainer (Author), Des Dearlove (Author), JorgeNascimentoRodrigues (Author), TomBrown (Author)


What's the big idea? Well, these days, it's the most important resource you can deploy. Quite simply, the more you know; the faster you go. So whose ideas are you listening to? Business Minds brings you the latest and greatest management ideas live and direct from the leading thinkers. The management gurus, unplugged. Warren Bennis, James Champy, James Collins, Peter Drucker, Leif Edvinsson, Sumantra Ghoshal, Daniel Goleman, Gary Hamel, Charles Handy, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Chan Kim, Philip Kotler, John Kotter, Henry Mintzberg, Nicholas Negroponte, Jonas Ridderstrale, Kenichi Ohmae, Tom Peters, CK Prahalad, Al Ries, Peter Senge, Patricia Seybold, Don Tapscott, Lester Thurow, Alvin Toffler, Fons Trompenaars and more A steady flow of new ideas is redefining what managers should be doing and how they should be doing it. In a world where today's theory is often tomorrow's task, the business leaders of tomorrow are the ones who today think about the next big ideas. So we believe that ideas count. The change our organisations and the way they compete; change the goods and services we produce, and can change forever the way we work. The way we see it, our job is to bring you the latest thinking, direct from 40 of the best business minds. Business Minds is your chance to hear what the brightest and best have to say about the world of management, and a unique opportunity to engage in an ongoing conversation with a world of ideas. A chance to reflect on the new ideas, a chance to explore what's on your business mind and a chance to arm yourself with a monthly dose of the latest thought leadership to keep your own thinking sharp. Business Minds brings you the latest ideas, direct from the brightest minds, delivered in their own words. We think they're worth listening to. We have tried to bring together the gurus of the old world - Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Peter Senge et al. "with the gurus of the new world" the likes of Jonas Ridderstrale, Don Tapscott, and Patty Seybold. The best business minds, however, cannot easily be pigeon-holed. Old and new economy labels are ultimately unhelpful. The global economy, by its very nature, is created anew each and every day. The ideas economy, too, is a vibrant marketplace that is always open for business. The thinkers in this book stand or fall on the applicability of their ideas. Yet often those ideas are poorly understood by practicing managers. So converse with the best brains in business; arm yourself with the biggest ideas. "Through the use of a pithy question-and-answer style format, it cleverly packages a snapshot of the current thought-leadership scene. With the authors having sorted the wheat from the chaff of management gurus, the value of Business Minds lies in its succinct presentation of useful thinking frameworks and tools from old and new thought-leaders, including Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Jonas Ridderstrale and Don Tapscott. Well worth reading." Professional Manager, September 2002


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More Information

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 256
Edition: 1
Publisher: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Published: 26 Nov 2001

ISBN 10: 0273656600
ISBN 13: 9780273656609

Media Reviews

A useful idot's guide, and one for the bookshelf. The Times

Through the use of a pithy question-and-answer style format, it cleverly packages a snapshot of the current thought-leadership scene. With the authors having sorted the wheat from the chaff of management gurus, the value of Business Minds lies in its succinct presentation of useful thinking frameworks and tools from old and new thought-leaders, including Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Jonas Ridderstrale and Don Tapscott. Well worth reading. Professional Manager

A good book - sound ideas. A nice overview to give to some one who wants to gain new insights.

John Spence, Flycaster & Company

Author Bio

Tom Brown is the creator of the Management General web site. The author of popular e-books such as The Anatomy of Fire: Sparking a New Spirit of Enterprise and Fiscal Fairy Tales, he also writes for publications worldwide and is a contributing editor to Across the Board, the US Conference Board's magazine.

Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove are the founders of Suntop Media, the world's leading thought-leadership content provider, as well as the creators of the Thinkers 50, the first ranking of business gurus. They are the authors of Gravy Training, Generation Entrepreneur, The Financial Times Handbook of Management and MBA Planet.

In addition: Stuart Crainer, chief editorial officer at Suntop Media, writes a column for The Times and the Singapore Airlines magazine, Silver Kris. His book credits include the biography of Tom Peters, Key Management Ideas and The Management Century.

Des Dearlove, chief editorial officer at Suntop Media, is the author of The Ultimate Book of Business Thinking. Des is a long-time columnist for The Times, and he also writes for the Industry Standard and Strategy & Business.

Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues is editor of, a management and technology trends portal, and writes for Expresso, a weekly newspaper published in Lisbon, Portugal. He is the creator of