Having sold over one million copies worldwide since it was first published, Secretarial Duties is well-established as a combined textbook and workbook which covers everything the secretary needs to know. The tenth edition has been completely revised using a new format and layout, and updated to take account of the new NVQ specification, and LCCI and PEI syllabi. It also focuses on the increasing role now played by computer technology in business adminisration. Recent advances in areas such as data storage and retrieval, the internet, speech recognition, automatic call distribution systems, video phones and desktop publishing are all covered.
A wide range of in-tray exercises based on realistic case studies are provided at the end of each unit using examples of real forms and other business documents. In working through these realistic simulated business activities, the student is required not only to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, but is also encouraged to develop NVQ and GNVQ standards of competence. Further practice is provided with recent examination questions from LCCI and PEI examinations.
The inclusion of a list of worldwide Chambers of Commerce and forms of address for letters to Europe provides a good reference source for those studying or working overseas.
Key features
- retains proven features which have made this book a bestseller
- covers knowledge for current NVQ elements of competence
- provides sample examination questions for student practice
- includes new international reference sources for overseas students
- up-to-date with new computer technology, postal and banking services
- fully illustrated with photographs, diagrams and forms
Students on NVQ level 2 and 3 administration, LCCI private secretary's certificate and PEI office procedures level 2 courses will find this book invaluable. It will also be useful for adult returners on NVQ level 2 and 3 business courses. For PAs and secretaries, it provides a comprehensive reference source.