by Chris Hale (Editor), Azrini Wahidin (Editor), Keith Hayward (Editor), Emma Wincup (Editor), Chris Hale (Editor), Azrini Wahidin (Editor)
Few subjects provoke as much public fascination and political concern as crime and criminality. Criminology is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students approaching the subject for the first time. It examines a wide range of topics, including historical and contemporary understandings of crime and criminal justice; different forms of crime - from street crime to state crime; who commits crime and who are the victims of crime; and how society and state agencies respond to crime and disorder. The contributions to this book offer clear, accessible introductions to the main topics and issues of criminology. Questions, summaries, further reading guidance, useful web links, and tables and diagrams can be found throughout. The third edition includes contributions from six new authors and contains new chapters on cybercrime, and 'crime, culture, and everyday life'. Online Resource Centre This book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre which can be used by lecturers and students alike. The resources available are as follows: Lecturer Resources Lecture notes by chapter Powerpoint slides to accompany lecture notes Test bank of multiple choice questions Student Resources Updates Chapter synopses Annotated further reading lists Interactive glossary Web links
Few subjects provoke as much public fascination and political concern as crime and criminality. Criminology is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students approaching the subject for the first time. It examines a wide range of topics, including historical and contemporary understandings of crime and criminal justice; different forms of crime - from street crime to state crime; who commits crime and who are the victims of crime; and how society and state agencies respond to crime and disorder. The contributions to this book offer clear, accessible introductions to the main topics and issues of criminology. Questions, summaries, further reading guidance, useful web links, and tables and diagrams can be found throughout. The third edition includes contributions from six new authors and contains new chapters on cybercrime, and 'crime, culture, and everyday life'. Online Resource Centre This book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre which can be used by lecturers and students alike. The resources available are as follows: Lecturer Resources Lecture notes by chapter Powerpoint slides to accompany lecture notes Test bank of multiple choice questions Student Resources Updates Chapter synopses Annotated further reading lists Interactive glossary Web links
Few subjects provoke as much public fascination and political concern as crime and criminality. Criminology is an ideal textbook for undergraduate students approaching the subject for the first time. It examines a wide range of topics, including historical and contemporary understandings of crime and criminal justice; different forms of crime - from street crime to state crime; who commits crime and who are the victims of crime; and how society and state agencies respond to crime and disorder. The contributions to this book offer clear, accessible introductions to the main topics and issues of criminology. Questions, summaries, further reading guidance, useful web links, and tables and diagrams can be found throughout. The third edition includes contributions from six new authors and contains new chapters on cybercrime, and 'crime, culture, and everyday life'. Online Resource Centre This book is accompanied by an extensive Online Resource Centre which can be used by lecturers and students alike. The resources available are as follows: Lecturer Resources Lecture notes by chapter Powerpoint slides to accompany lecture notes Test bank of multiple choice questions Student Resources Updates Chapter synopses Annotated further reading lists Interactive glossary Web links