This new, fully updated edition will provide sociology students with a rigorous, up-to-date and totally comprehensive introduction to all the main areas in sociology. Clearly yet authoritatively written the book conveys complex ideas in a straightforward manner, whilst also encouraging students to think for themselves about such issues as education, the body, health, crime and popular culture. Building on the success of the previous edition, the book now has new up-to-date case studies and a variety of learning features including chapter summaries, further readings, exercises and useful boxes. Fulcher and Scott provides analysis in much greater depth and with broader coverage than any of the rival textbooks. NEW IN THIS EDITION - Additional chapters on Sex and Gender, Globalisation and Racial and Ethnic Identities - New boxed features on global issues in sociology and frontiers in sociology - Web links to useful sources of information - Additional case studies and excercises WEBSITE This edition will have an Online Resource Centre with multiple choice questions, a range of Power Point slides, an instructor's manual, useful web links and additional case studies with questions.
The third edition of Fulcher & Scott remains an authoritative and theoretically-ground text for the 'thinking student', providing an intelligent exploration of topical debates that challenge first year students to think for themselves. The book investigates different forms of social inequality, cultural diversity and the processes contributing to social change in a thorough and provocative way, while introducing students to the main methods of sociological research and a range of original writing in the discipline. The text includes major new sections on organised crime and international crime; childhood, ageing and the life course; disability as a social division; and the impact of the Internet and information technologies on social life, to support changes to the first year curriculum. It goes further to introduce a wider range of international comparisons from around the world and provide an increased number of a case examples based on historical and global themes. The concept of the 'sociological imagination' is addressed in depth to demonstrate for students the difference between 'common sense' thinking and 'sociological' thinking, and help them approach sociological problems critically and develop skills in argument. Additionally, the text has been sectioned in such as way as to clearly amplify the links between chapter topics and the common themes that cut across social divisions, to help students approach social issues from a number of diverse viewpoints. Online Resource Centre The following resources have been developed for the third edition of Sociology: Student Site: Case studies supported by case questions and guidance on how to answer case questions, to help students diagnose and explain sociological concepts in a variety of real life situations. Multiple-choice quiz questions organised by chapter and including answers, explanations, an ongoing score facility, and page references back to the text. Annotated web links organised by chapter and designed to point students in the direction of relevant sources of information that will help them with their coursework and further reading. Instructor Site: Comprehensive range of essay questions designed to encourage students to synthesise their cumulative knowledge of chapter themes and articulate the linkages between them. Case studies accompanied by critical thinking questions and drawn from a combination of recent sociological studies and the popular media, designed to have high student relevance and appeal (note: the cases for lecturers are different to the cases for students). Instructor's Manual containing practical teaching guidance for new or inexperienced lecturers and including suggested lecture programs, debate topics, tutorial activities, and advice on the implementation and use of text-book cases and questions. PweorPoint slides arranged by chapter and artwork from the book - download images from the textbook to use in your lectures.
This text offers a comprehensive approach to sociology, covering all the topics included on sociology courses. It discusses many social issues, including such topics as family violence, gender identities, social inequalities and divisions, the internet, the influence of the media, the rise of new religions, post-modernism, and the impact of globalization. The analysis of recent social change is carefully integrated with discussion of the classic ideas of sociology.